mercredi 9 janvier 2008

Tuya's marriage

I’m going to speak about “Tuya’s marriage” a Quanan Wang’s film. It’s on original voice;so we can hear the characters speaking in mandarin.
The story takes place in the Mongolia’s mountains,Tuya is a shepherdess, she lives with her children and her husband Bater but,this latter is disabled, and doesn’t help Tuya to take charge to the flock of sheep and go searching water at the well, because the well is far from their yurt. So she need a other husband.They decide to divorce but she want find a husband who accept to lives with her primer husband, because she accept to remarried is only for aim to guarantee to her children and to her first husband a decent life.
Some events are going to take place.
I liked this film for various reasons, for the landscapes and for the story’s drama. After to leave the cinema I wanted going in Mongolia,I searched the price of airfare, it’ quite expensive, so I’ll waiting.

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